Special Education

Early diagnosis and intervention can be a key component for a child's future success. Any child found to have an impairment that interferes with educational performance and meets the eligibility criteria, according to the rules of Michigan, is eligible for special education services.


It is mandatory in the State of Michigan to provide an educational opportunity for children with handicaps or impairments from birth through age twenty-six. Early diagnosis and intervention can be a key component for a child's future success. Any child found to have an impairment that interferes with educational performance and meets the eligibility criteria, according to the rules of Michigan, is eligible for special education services.

What are the essential ingredients necessary for a satisfying, meaningful life? Self-esteem, reasonable expectations and meaningful activity would definitely rank high on the list of rights of every individual. Keeping these rights for students in mind, the Mecosta-Osceola Intermediate School District (MOISD) Special Education staff and parents have developed an exemplary program that can begin at birth and continue until age twenty-six. Our programs provide children and young adults with special needs the opportunity to achieve their goals.

Delivering Excellence

For the vast majority of students with special needs, excellent services are provided in the regular education environment with added support. Local districts provide special education classrooms and MOISD supplies staff who can offer extra help.

There are many students in the MOISD, whose parents, teachers and administrators have decided that they need a more restrictive placement offering more intensive help. These students attend programs at one of our many satellite classrooms located in buildings throughout our constituent districts or our Education Center facility located in Big Rapids, Michigan.

Special Education Connect (SE Connect)

SECALL Special Education Communications from YOU to US, ISD-wide, can be sent to one PLACE!!

This includes, but is not limited to: all student documents for uploading into EdPlan, any questions you need answered, help/support questions, resource needs, etc. Receiving correspondence this way creates efficiency for us, and our responses to you will be handled with accuracy in a timely manner!

There are 2 ways to submit information to SE Connect:


Simply email us at specialeducation@moisd.org!  You can include any questions or documents attached that are applicable.   


Special Education Correspondence Request

What the support levels mean:
Critical – needs an answer before the end of the day (if there are more than 2 hours left in the day)
High – needs an answer within 24 hours
Normal – needs an answer in 24-48 hours
Low – does not need an answer within 48 hours

Additional Information

To view or print the documents, click the link.

PDF DocumentMOISD Special Education Plan
PDF Document2017 Procedural Safeguards Notice
PDF DocumentMichigan Administrative Rules for Special Education

Jodi LaFeldt
Assistant Superintendent of Special Education
Elizabeth Slack
  • Itinerant Services
  • LRE Considerations Coach 
Ayla Lockhart
Planner Monitor
  • Special Education Supervisor (Evart Public Schools)
  • Transition Coordinator 
Shelby Chase
Technical Assistant & LRE Coach
Jenny Knopf
  • Mecosta Osceola Education Center
  • Homebound
  • Satellite Resource Room (Riverview)
Kristen Larson
  • Pineview Homes
  • Satellite Resource Room (GT Norman)
  • Middle School Emotionally Impaired Classroom (Reed City)
Wendy Lyons
Administrative Assistant
Chelsey Gietzen