Advanced Welding

WELD 211

Advanced Welding is a 63 hour course where the emphasis of instruction is a more in-depth instruction with:

  • G.M.A.W. (Gas Metal Arc Welding) including; multi-pass welds, thicker material,                 vertical up and over head, and  process variations such as; aluminum spool gun and       push pull gun, shielded flux core, unshielded flux core, metal core, silicon bronze,             spray arc, stainless steel G.M.A.W, and small and large diameter wires.
  • F.C.A.W. (Flux Core Welding)
  • M.C.A.W. (Metal Core Arc Welding)
  • G.T.A.W (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) including; Stainless steel and aluminum

New classes start September 8, 2025!

In-District - $1,256 Out of District - $1,382

Cost Includes:
Registration Fee
Lab Fee
Background Check

Cost Includes:
Registration Fee
Lab Fee
Background Check